
Mindfulness Meditation

This class meets virtually on online for one hour, once a week. In this class we practice meditation together, listen to little talks, share experiences and ask questions. Each of the guided meditations has a focus—concentration on the breath or open awareness of experience as it arises and fades away, feeling tone, equanimity, and compassion among many. The little talks—about 15 minutes long— address themes such as being kind even when we don’t feel like it, stepping back to see the big picture before we jump to conclusions or get snagged in our beliefs, and paying attention even when our mind wants to do something else. There is always an opportunity for sharing the week’s experiences and for asking questions. Classes are offered as a series. Each series usually meets for eight to ten weeks.. Book class here.

Equanimity - A Beautiful Quality of Mind

This class will meet each Thursday for 10 weeks beginning on October 12 and ending on December 21, 2023. Each class will begin with a guided meditation and will include a short talk. There will be time for sharing and questions.

This Fall we will explore equanimity in some depth. Equanimity is that universal beautiful quality mind that is balanced, even, and spacious. When the mind is equanimous it is steady, receiving experience without reacting, and yet responding with grace, compassion, and resilience. As we strengthen our equanimity, we experience more freedom and peace. Among other topics, we’ll explore how equanimity is a foundation of mindfulness, how it helps us navigate the vicissitudes of life, how it is necessary for forgiveness and at the core of lovingkindness, compassion, and joy.

This class will meet online. Would you like to receive an email when registration for this class opens? If you would, contact me here with your email address.

Registration for this class series will open soon.

When registering choose your class time. The login link will be emailed to you in the registration confirmation.

Morning Mindfulness Meditation at 10AM (PST) Pacific time

Evening Mindfulness Meditation at 7PM (PST) Pacific time

Class Dates:

Oct 12, 19, 26

Nov 2, 9, 16, 30

Dec 7, 14, 21

Please join us.

Beginning Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation is an essential practice when wanting to live mindfully. We can’t think or feel our way mindfully unless we practice. It’s like learning anything—how to play the piano, or write, or run a marathon— we have to train in order to do it. Practice is everything. In this class we practice settling into the body, focusing on the breath, and being with what is arising without grasping it or pushing it away. We practice kindness in meditation to help us to be with ourselves, with difficult people, or people we just don’t like. We invite curiosity and openness to our journey. We take it a step at a time. This class meets virtually on Zoom for one hour, once a week, for six weeks and begins periodically. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact me.

Book a Class