Welcome To Your Mindful Life

Welcome to my podcast, Your Mindful Life, hosted by me, Mary Slocum. In this, my very first episode, I share my story with you. How I got into Mindfulness and how it helps me navigate life with more ease and joy. I’ll share the background to how the podcast came into being. And, I’ll share my hopes for you, my listeners. I see this podcast as more than a destination, as more than just talk, as more than a way to while away the time. It offers you the chance to discover mindfulness practices that resonate with you, the opportunity to open to new possibilities, and build inner strength that brings you more ease and joy in your life. 

I am grateful for the curiosity of you, my listeners, and for the people who make this podcast possible: Allie Allen for logo and cover design, Gorgias Romero for music and audio editing and production support, and Bill Rafferty for technical web support. 

It has been amazing to be with you today. If you enjoy the show, tell your friends and subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. 

Want to learn how to do mindfulness meditation? Or want to join a live online mindfulness meditation class? Check out my website: https://yourmindfulpractice.com for inspiration and classes. And while you are there, sign up for my newsletter in the footer.

You will find me here weekly. Enjoy!

Be well. Be mindful.


What Is Mindfulness Anyway?